Feasibility Study for a Visitor Contact Centre in London

Feasibility Study for a Visitor Contact Centre in London Picture

We were commissioned by the London Development Agency (LDA) to undertake a feasibility study into the efficacy of a new tourist information contact centre for London. Amongst the objectives set for the study were:

  • Whether there is a demand for these types of services from visitors
  • The scope of service to be offered and different options available
  • The scope for working with one of the existing commercial or public services to provide an enhanced quality of service and higher profile
  • The costs of operating a dedicated centre and/or contracting out to a third party supplier
  • A comparison of the approach taken by other major destinations

A detailed survey of overseas, domestic and day visitors to London was undertaken, providing for the first time some hard evidence about the desirability or otherwise of a contact centre. This was allied with the research amongst comparators and consultations within the industry to come up with clear demand estimates, setting out the added value and the cost of providing such a service.