The Tourism Company was founded in 1990 by Richard Denman, Chris Evans and Steve Beioley. Following the retirement of Steve, and subsequently Chris, Richard and Jackie Denman continue to run this small, specialist consultancy, offering an experienced team of tourism consultants with a strong track record in tourism planning, development and research from our offices in Herefordshire.
Although we have been established for many years and thrive on regular repeat business, we regularly gain new clients and would be delighted to consider how we can help you.
Our position in the UK The Tourism Company is well established at a national, regional and local level. We have frequently worked for government departments and national bodies. Many of our clients are national, regional and local tourism bodies, local authorities and other development agencies. We also undertake project assessment work for commercial operators and the voluntary sector. We keep fully up to date with issues and opportunities in UK tourism, including market trends, quality standards, and tourism delivery structures. Our work is often used to support applications for various grant applications, Heritage Lottery or European funding.
Our position internationally We have gained a strong reputation internationally as leaders in the field of sustainable development through tourism, preparing policy guidance and facilitating events for the UN World Tourism Organisation, the European Commission, UNEP, WWF and other international bodies. We have worked in over 25 countries, in all continents, on tourism plans, strategies and project development, at a national, local and community level.
Complementary skills and services Although our team has a wide breadth of experience, we will supplement this with additional expertise and capacity when required and frequently work with other consultancies. We have developed a close working relationship with professionals in parallel disciplines, including architects, conservation planners, interpreters, and economic analysts. We also regularly commission visitor surveys, focus groups and other targeted research from teams who work to our brief.
A wider network We have developed close contacts with the tourism industry and with colleague consultants and professionals in many countries, through our involvement with The Tourism Society in the UK, the European Ecotrans network, and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.